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Home | Insights | Elena Gorodisskaya gave a talk on Intellectual Property under New Conditions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station

Elena Gorodisskaya gave a talk on Intellectual Property under New Conditions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station

Timeline of the interview (interview in Russian language)

0:00 – Opening. Introduction of the guest

1:42 – What was going on in Russia in the sphere of intellectual property after February 2022? Enactment of the law on parallel imports

8:17 – How has the situation for the Russian intellectual property market changed? Was the economy of the country and its separate sectors affected by the consequences of departure of foreign companies from Russia? Development of import substitution. What was the influence on consumers of their habit to purchase products of certain brands which have left Russia? Reaction to the proposed alternatives. Development of Chinese automobile industry

12:50 – Is it possible to translate into action the option proposed by Dmitry Medvedev in March 2023, namely distribution of pirated copies of Western intellectual products to inflict maximum damage on their owners? Adverse effects of using pirated software. Discussion of the creation of the so-called “national software”

17:13 – Have disputes over intellectual properties, in which foreign persons are parties, increased in number after February 2022?
Wide-spread disputes over non-use termination of legal protection of trademarks.
What activities prove the use by a foreign manufacturer of its trademark within the RF territory, in case the foreign company does not have its representation in Russia but the products of that manufacturer are distributed there?
Overcoming obstacles in registration of Russian trademarks similar to foreign marks. Disputes arising out of this matter

26:09 – Considering the recently issued rulings of the Intellectual Property Court, one might ask: does negative attitude to a party from an unfriendly jurisdiction manifest itself? Do IP courts protect for the most part “our” businessmen? Example: ruling on Peppa Pig

30:29 – Increase in the number of applications for trademark registration from Russian residents and decline in the number of those from foreign residents in 2022. Is such tendency still persisting?
What kinds of trademarks are most often registered now? In what sector of economy?
Do infringements of the exclusive right to trademarks of foreign origin build up?

34:31 – How the political situation affected the protection of and compliance with author's rights?
Currently foreign performers, in particular singers, practically do not visit this country. However, on advertisement posters in Moscow one can see various substitutes for real performers, who just perform cover versions of someone else’s songs. Isn’t this an infringement of foreigners’ author’s rights?

37:55 – How are things going in film distribution sector and with the protection of rights to Western films? Is there a prohibition of broadcasting? Examination of the “mandatory licensing” concept

42:20 – How will the IP legislation and intellectual property protection further develop, considering the current conditions? What lies ahead for us? Development of the artificial intelligence sphere requiring statutory regulation