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Home | Newsroom | Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic: Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station
  • Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic: Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station
  • Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic: Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station
  • Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic: Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station

Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic: Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station

On May 24, 2024 Alexey Gorodissky, AGP Partner, Practice leader Corporate Law / M&A, took part in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station.

In the show its participants discussed what an M&A transaction is, why for the support of such transactions a whole team of lawyers needs to be put together, what risks may be incurred in case of leaving an М&A transaction without proper legal support, what constitutes the cost of legal services for the support of such a transaction, and what is the value of legal support in this matter.

Should you want to know more about this and many other things you may follow this link in the Analytics section: Alexey Gorodissky spoke on the topic Major М&A Transactions in the radio show Ask a Lawyer with Alexey Kuznetsov at Mediametrics radio station.